Shepherd's Needle
A Stitcher's Haven
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- 28 count
- 28ct
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- 32 count
- 32 count
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- 36 count
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- 40 count
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- 46 count
- 56 count
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- A Time For All Seasons Series
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- Aida
- Aida Remnants
- Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks
- Alexa Needlepoint Designs
- Alice Peterson Company
- All Through The Night
- Amaryllis Artworks
- Amy Bruecken Designs
- Animals
- Annie Beez Folk Art
- Anniversaries of the Heart
- Arctic Rays
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- Artful Offerings
- Atelier Soed Idee
- Au Ver A Soie
- AuryTM
- Baby/Birth Sampler
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- Banding Remnants
- Barbara Ana Designs
- Be Stitch Me
- Be Stitch Me
- Beach Boardwalk Series
- Beads
- Beau Verre Art
- Belle Soie
- Bent Creek
- Big City Christmas
- Bird In The Hand Primitives
- Birds
- Birds Of A Feather
- Black Cauldron Dyeworks
- Blackbird Designs
- Blending filament
- Blueberry Point Canvas
- Blueberry Ridge Designs
- Buttons/Charms
- By Gone Stitches
- Cabranmary Woods
- CanvasWorks
- Capri
- Carolyn Manning Designs
- Caron
- Carriage House Samplings
- CBK Needlepoint Collections
- Charts
- Chenille
- Cherished Stitches
- Cherry Blossoms Studio
- Cherry Hill Stitchery
- Cherry Lane Designs
- Cheryl Schaeffer Designs
- Chessie & Me
- Chessie And Me Kits
- Christmas
- Classic
- Classic Colorworks
- Clearance
- Colonial Needle
- Colonial Needle Company
- Color Variations
- Colour & Cotton
- Cosford Rise Stitchery
- Cottage Garden Samplings
- Cottage Of The Month
- Country Cottage Needleworks
- Country Cottage Ornaments - Pastel Collection
- Country Keepers
- Crafty Bluebonnet Designs
- Crane Designs
- Custom Order
- Dames of the Needle
- Dames of the Needle
- Dames Of The Needle
- Danji Designs
- DC Designs
- Death by Thread
- Designers
- Dinky Dyes
- Dinky Dyes
- Ditto Needlepoint Works
- Doodle Dog Designs
- Dulaney Woods Treasures
- Early Americans
- Easy Grid Fabric
- Embroidery Hoop
- Entice
- Erica Michaels
- Erin Elizabeth Designs
- Etoile
- Evenweave
- Evenweave Remnants
- Fabric
- Fabric Remnants
- Fabrics By Stephanie
- Fabulous Houses
- Fall
- Fall On The Farm
- Falling Star Primitives
- Family
- Farmhouse Christmas
- Fibers
- Fibers On A Whim
- Fibers On A Whim
- Fibers On A Whim
- Fibers On A Whim
- Fiddlestix Designs
- Fine Braid #8
- Flew The Coop
- Florimel Silk Floss
- Floss
- Floss
- Floss
- Floss
- Floss
- Floss
- Floss Organizers
- Flowers
- Fox And Rabbit
- Fox And Rabbit
- Fox And Rabbit
- Fox And Rabbit Designs
- Foxwood Crossings
- Fragments in Time
- Frames
- From the Heart
- Frosty Forest
- Fuzzy Stuff
- Fyre Werks
- Gingerbread Village
- Gingher
- Glissen Gloss
- Glitter Village
- Gloriana
- Grandeur
- Halloween
- Hand Dyed Fabric by Stephanie
- Hand Dyed Fabric by Stephanie
- Hand Dyed Fabric by Stephanie
- Hand Dyed Fabric by Stephanie
- Hands Across the Sea Samplers
- Hands On Designs
- Hands To Work
- Happy Cat Stitchery
- Hawk Run Hollow
- Heart In Hand
- Heartstring Samplery
- Hello From Liz Matthews
- Hello From Liz Matthews
- Hobby House Press
- Homespun Elegance
- Hometown Holiday Series
- I Stitch Designs
- Imaginating Designs
- Impressions
- Ink Circles
- Jack Frost's Tree Farm
- Jan Hicks Creates
- Jardin Prive
- JBW Designs
- Jeannette Douglas
- Jeannette Douglas Designs
- JL Canvas Company
- Jody Designs
- Just 4 Ewe
- Just 4 Ewe
- Just Another Button Company
- Just Another Button Company
- Just Cross Stitch
- Kathy Barrick
- Kathy Schenkel Designs
- KC Needlepoint
- Kelmscott
- Kelmscott Design
- Kelmscott Designs
- Keslyn's Designs
- Kirk & Bradley
- Kreinik
- La-D-Da
- Lady Dot Creates
- Last Chance Kits
- Laura Love Designs
- Lavender & Lace
- Letters From Mom
- Light Effects
- Lights and Magnifers
- Lila's Studio
- Lilli Violette
- Lindy Stitches
- Linen
- Linen
- Linen Remnants
- Little House Needleworks
- Little House Needleworks
- Little Robin Designs
- Little Sheep Virtues
- Lizzie Kate
- Log Cabin Christmas
- Long Dog Samplers
- Lori Holt
- Love You More Needlepoint
- Lucy Beam Love In Stitches
- Lugana
- Luminous Fiber Arts
- Madame Chantilly
- Magazines
- Main Street
- Mary Lake Thompson
- Mill Hill
- Mill Hill
- Mill Hill Kits
- Mirabilia Designs
- Mojo Stitches
- Mono Canvas
- Monthly Mini Village
- My Big Toe
- Myrtle Grace Motifs
- Needle & Flax
- Needle & Flax
- Needle & Flax
- Needle & Flax
- Needle & Flax
- Needle Crossing
- Needle Minders, Threaders and Magnets
- Needle Work Press
- Needlemade Designs
- Needlepoint Canvas
- Needlepoint Clearance
- Needlepoint Silk
- Needles
- Neon Rays
- Neon Rays Plus
- New York Dreamer
- Nikyscreations
- Nora Corbett
- Norden Crafts
- Nordic Gold
- Notforgotten Farm
- Notforgotten Farms
- Nutcracker Village
- October House Fiber Arts
- Olde Colonial Designs
- Painted Pony Designs
- Pansy Patch Quilts And Stitchery
- Patti Mann
- Pearl Cotton Size 12
- Pearl Cotton Size 8
- Pepper Pot Silk
- Pepperberry Designs Punch Needle
- Perfect Prim Punch
- Perforated Paper
- Perle Coton #5
- Perle Coton #5
- Perle Coton #8
- Perle Coton 3
- Perle Coton 5
- Persian
- Petite Sparkle Rays
- Picture This Plus
- Picture This Plus
- Picture This Plus
- Picture This Plus
- Picture This Plus
- Picture This Plus
- Picture This Plus
- Pineberry Lane
- Pins
- Plum Street Samplers
- PomPoms
- Praiseworthy Stitches
- Primrose Cottage Stiches
- Priscilla's Pocket
- Project Bags
- Punch Needle Supplies
- Punchneedle
- Puntinipuntini
- Q Snaps
- Q Snaps and Covers
- R&R
- R&R Fabric
- R&R Fabric
- R&R Fabric
- R&R Fabric
- R&R Reproductions
- Rainbow Blending Thread
- Rainbow Gallery
- Raise the Roof Designs
- Raymond Crawford
- Religious
- Retreat
- Ribbon
- Rick Rack
- Romy's Creations
- Rosewood Manor
- Rovaris
- Running With Needles And Scissors
- Sam Sarah
- Sampler Of The Month
- Sampler Threads
- Samplers
- Samplers Not Forgotten
- Samplers Remembered
- Santa's Village
- Scattered Seed Samplers
- Scissor Fobs
- Scissors
- ScissorTail Designs
- Seraphim Hand Dyed Fabrics
- Seraphim Hand Dyed Fabrics
- Seraphim Hand Dyed Fabrics
- Sew Cherished
- Sew Much Fun
- Shakespear's Peddler
- Shannon Christine Designs
- Shannon Christine Designs
- Shepherd's Bush
- Silk & Ivory
- Silk 'N Colors
- Silk Lame Braid
- Silk Lame Petite
- Silk Threads
- Silver Creek Samplers
- Simply Wool
- Snow
- Snow Village
- Snowman Collector
- Soie d'Alger
- Splendor
- Stacy Nash
- Standard Fabric Cuts- Fat Eighths/Quarters/Halves
- Stands/Frames/Scroll Rods
- Stitch Rock Designs
- Stitchin' Little
- Stitching Aids
- Stockings
- Stoney Creek
- Stretcher Bars
- Sue Hillis Designs
- Summer House Stitche Workes
- Sundance Designs
- Susan Roberts Needlepoint Designs
- Sweet Wing Studio
- Tapestry Wool
- Teacher's Pet Design Studio
- Tempting Tangles Designs
- Teresa Kogut
- Teresa Kogut
- Teresa's Primitive Treasures
- The Blue Flower
- The Cricket Collection
- The Drawn Thread
- The Meredith Collection
- The Nebby Needle
- The Old Tattered Flag
- The Prairie Schooler
- The Primitive Hare
- The Proper Stitcher
- The Proper Stitcher
- The Purple Thread
- The Sampler Company
- The Scarlet Letter
- The Scarlett House
- The Songbird's Garden Series
- The Stitching Parlor
- The Thread Gatherer
- Thistles
- Threads of Memory
- Threads That Bind
- Threadwork Primitives
- Threadworx
- Three Sheep Studio
- Tilli Tomas Essentials
- Tiny Modernist
- Tralala
- Treasure Braid Petite
- Treasure Ribbon
- Treasure Ribbon Petite
- Tree of Life Samplings
- Trees
- Tudor Silk Threads
- Tumbleweeds
- Twin Peak Primitives
- Twisted Threads
- Two Old Crows
- Valdani
- Velveteen
- Vermont Harvest Folk Art
- Very Velvet
- Very Velvet Petite
- Victoria Whitson Needlepoint
- Vineyard Silk
- Watercolours
- Waterlilies
- Waxing Moon Designs
- Weavers Cloth
- Wedding
- Weeks Dye Work
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Weeks Dye Works
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wichelt
- Wildflowers
- Willow Hill Samplings
- Winter
- Wisper
- With My Needle
- With Thy Needle & Thread
- Wood Products
- Wool
- XJuDesign
- XjuDesign
- XJuDesign
- Zweigart
- Zweigart
- Zweigart
- Zweigart
- Zweigart